Black Rhino welcomes Kyle Ahrensberg to the team!
El Cajon, CA, October 21, 2015- Kyle Ahrensberg, a 27 year old San Diego native, officially joins the team at Black Rhino. Kyle grew up in an off road racing family with the new generation or drivers. His favorite thing to do as a kid was go to the races and be as involved as he possibly could.
In Kyle’s senior year of high school at Rancho Bernardo High he put together an online retail store that provided him the funds he needed to begin racing himself. Along with this, Kyle loved to travel around the United States with music bands helping them out with all aspects of the business and engineering side. This transitioned into Kyle being able to work with some great people putting on major music festivals in the Southern California area.
Kyle then went on to work for Baja Designs. It was very refreshing for Kyle to be back working in the industry he grew up in and had a huge passion for. While working at Baja Designs was great, Kyle moved on and created Vision Hype. When starting Vision Hype he was able to be involved with many of the top trophy truck and short course teams around such as Voss Motorsports and Adrian Cenni Racing. While starting out working on the marketing and sponsor acquisition side of the sport with them, he quickly expanded into operations as well.
Along with working in the racing industry, Kyle spent a lot of time building startup companies for investors. After getting connected with Kenny Osborn and Black Rhino Performance, he knew this company was special and had huge potential to be one of the biggest and best in the market. After meeting together many times and talking about Kyle becoming a part of Black Rhino Performance, Kyle knew he would do what he could to take Kenny up on the offer.
“Black Rhino Performance has all the pieces of the puzzle to have an extremely successful company; talented, motivated employees and a brand name that has been strong since the first conception of this industry. I am coming on board to share my knowledge of fostering a brand, marketing and fine tuning the day to day operations so that Black Rhino Performance can achieve all of its potential. I look forward to my future with the entire Black Rhino Performance team and am excited to see us move forward to the next step of success.” Kyle stated.
Kenny Osborn added, “I am excited to add another talented player to the team at Black Rhino Performance. My plan has always been to put together a team of the best and brightest stars in the industry to serve our customers and move the company into the future. Adding Kyle to the team is part of that strategy; I am looking forward to what his experience and future contributions have in store for Black Rhino Performance.”