How to Change a Polaris RZR Belt
Thoroughly inspect clutch before the trip, make sure the primary bearing spins freely
Blow out clutches and clutch cover with compressed air to remove dust and debris
Check clutch sheaves for signs of wear such as groves, cracks, or heat marks
Excessive belt blowout is due to worn, damaged clutches or clutch misalignment

Step 1: Cover Removal
Using a flat-head screwdriver, remove the hose clamp on the clutch air intake tube

Remove the 8mm bolts from the plastic clutch cover housing, then remove the cover by pulling gently

Step 2: Remove Old Belt
Using your hand or a pair of pliers, remove all pieces of the broken belt inside the clutch housing
Be sure to check behind the clutches, the intake tube, and the exhaust tube ( located between the primary and secondary clutch in the top of the clutch housing)
Broken belt debris left in clutch housing results in added belt wear and additional clutch maintenance

Step 3: Spread Clutch Sheaves
Thread the SXS TOOL clockwise into the threads in the secondary clutch (right side) to spread the sheaves. rotate until sheaths are spread
Do not force SXS TOOL; this can cause damage to the secondary or the tool

Step 4: New Belt Installation
Ensure the new belt is clean without loose cords, missing cogs, abrasions, burns, fraying, or any damage
Loop the new belt around the primary clutch
Rotate new belt onto secondary counter-clockwise by hand
Face part number outward for easy identification

Rotate SXS TOOL counter-clockwise until fully unthreaded
Spin secondary clutch five to seven times to seat belt
Idle vehicle in park to be sure there is no additional debris in the clutch. Turn the vehicle off before continuing

Step 5: Cover Reinstallation
Line up the cover with the clutch housing, reinstall 8mm factory hardware (36 IN-IBS)
Reinstall intake tube and hose clamp (25 IN-IBS)

Additional RZR Belt Knowledge
If the secondary does not spin in park service clutch
Be sure to inspect the cover seal for signs of wear or damage, replace if necessary
Drive vehicle in low gear at alternating rpm to evenly wear in and warm up belt surfaces
Always install the clutch cover; debris and rocks in clutch housing will cause damage
Holding constant rpm while driving causes hot spots on the clutch and leads to additional wear